OmniPaper – Desiderata

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This is a list of papers that I still don't have. Could you send any of these to me? Why:

(1) The arachno-community would be immensely grateful.

(2) you would be helping yourself by depositing a ready-access copy online, and of course, you would have the credit.

(3) you would be taking part in this monumental collective effort by [nearly] everybody to enhance the knowledge on the Opiliones.


Shavanova, T.M. (2007) Фауна сенокосцев (Arachnidae, Opiliones) и их биотипическое распределение в центральной части Беларуси [Fauna and biotopic distribution of opiliones (Arachnidae, Opiliones) in the Central Belarus]. Vyestsi Natsyyanal'nai Akademii Navuk Byelarusi [Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus](Syeryya Biyalahichnykh Navuk [Ser. Biological Sci.]), 2, 87–89.

Czechia and Slovakia


Geoffroy, J.J. (1985) A propos de Sabacon paradoxum (Arachnida, Opiliones, Ischyropsalididae): nouvelles stations et distribution géographique en Languedoc. Bulletin de la Société d'Étude des Sciences Naturelles de Beziers, Toulouse, N.S., 10(51) [1984–85], 4–15.


Farwick, B. & Rade (1878) [Ischyropsalis helwigii im Tiergarten bei Wolbeck, Münsterland]. Jahresbericht des Westfälischen Provinzial-Vereins für Wissenschaft und Kunst, Münster, Westf., Zoologie Sektion, 1877/78, 10–20.

Hesse, E. (1935) Beiträge zur Arachnoidenfauna der Mark. Märkische Tierwelt, Berlin, 1(4), 182–192.

Lebert, H. (1875) Verzeichniss schlesischer Spinnen mit Aufzählung der schlesische Myriapoden. Tübingen. II + 63 pp.










Økland, F. (1928) Land- und Süswassrfauna von Nowaja Semlja. Report of the scientific results of the Norwegian Expedition to Novaya Zemlya, Kristiania, 3(42), 1–125.

Olafsson, E. (1990) Ritaskrá Íslensk skordyr og aarir hópar landliadyra [A bibliography of Icelandic insects and other land arthropods]. Fjölrit Náttúrufræaistofnunae, 14, 34 pages.

SE Asia, China


Duncan, N., Monaghan, P. & Wanless, S. (1979) Zoological report. Part 2. Invertebrate survey. In: A report on a Royal Air Force scientific expedition of exploration to the Island of Andoya in Arctic Norway. Pp. 22–24.

George, R.S. (1957) A brief list of the harvestmen (Opiliones) and falsescorpions (Pseudoscorpiones) of Gloucestershire. Proceedings of the Cotteswood Naturalists Field Club, 32(2), 79–81.

Jones, D. (1980) A preliminary account of the spiders and harvestmen of Farlington marshes. Journal Portsmouth and District Natural History Society, 3(2), 40–46.


Luk’yanov, N. (1897) Списокъ пауковъ (Araneina, Pseudoscorpionina и Phalangina), водящихся въ Юго-Западномъ kraeъ и смежныхъ съ нимъ губернiяхъ Россiи [= Spisok paukov (Araneina, Pseudoscorpionina i Phalangina), vodyashchikhsya v Yugo-Zapadnom krae i smezhnykh s nim guberniyakh Rossii]. Записки Кіевскагo Общества Естествоиспьітателей [= Zapiski Kievskago Obshchestva Estestvoispytateley = Mémoires de la Société des Naturalistes de Kieff], Kiev, 14, 559–577. (In Russian, only journal name is in Ukrainian). [OmniPaper copy is incomplete].

Morin, S.M. (1931) Materialy po faune Opiliones (senokostsev) Ukrainy. In: Schmalhausen, I.I. (Ed.), Trudy Chetvertogo Vsesoyuznogo S'ezda Zoologov, Anatomov, i Gistologov [Proceedings of the IV. Congress of the Zoologists, Anatomists, and Histologists of the U.S.S.R.] (Kiev-Har'kov, 6–12 May 1930) [378 pp.]. Gosmedizat SSSR, Kiev, pp. 59–61 (in Ukrainian).

Morin, S.M. (1934) Материалы по фауне Opiliones Украины [Materiali po fauni Opilionid Ukraïni]. Trudy Zoologo-biologichnogo Institutu, Odesa Universitet (Odessa, U.S.S.R.) 1934, 11–38, 3 plates (in Ukrainian).


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