Hendrik H. WEYENBERGH - papers on Opiliones

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Birthdate: 6 Dec 1842.

Birthplace: Haarlem, Netherlands.

Died: Bloemendaal - 27 July 1885.


Hendrik Weyenbergh (Haarlem, December 6, 1842 - Bloemendaal - July 27, 1885) was a Dutch zoologist, who developed much of his career in Argentina, having founded the Museum of Zoology of Cordoba.
He arrived in Argentina in 1872, as a young doctor in natural sciences, at the invitation of Carlos Germán Burmeister. He had been offered the chair of zoology at the National University of Cordoba, and applied to teaching, research and training of the museum, which garnered numerous indigenous pieces. After conflicts with Burmeister which resulted in its temporary separation from the university, he returned to it and was a founding member of the Sociedad Entomológica Argentina, later Sociedad Zoológica Argentina.
As president of the SZA, directed the Periódico Zoológico and promoted the creation of the Academia Nacional de Ciencias, of which was the first president.
Very young, in 1881, fell ill and returned to Holland, where he died in 1885.

[From Spanish Wikipedia; see also Acosta, 1985 and Burmeister, 1874.

There is also a good article about him in the Wikiportal de Cultura Apícola.


DISCLAIMER — This resource was first intended as for private use of the members of the arachnology lab of Museu Nacional, but later we thought "why not to share this with the world?". Eventually if greedy lawyers (redundance...) start to bother us with copyright matters, etc, we may have to be forced to quit the project and keep this just to ourselves.


Weyenbergh, H. (1869) Sur les insectes fossiles du calcaire lithographique de la Bavière, qui se trouvent au Musée Teyler. Archives Musée Teyler, Haarlem, 2, 247–294.
Weyenbergh, H. (1874) Notes sur quelques insectes du calcaire jurassique de la Bavière. Archives Musée Teyler, Haarlem, 3, 234–236.
Weyenbergh, H. (1878) On two new species of the genus Pachylus Koch from the Argentine Republic. Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History, Boston, Mass, 19(3), 316–320.


Page created Copyright © 2010 by Adriano B. Kury.
Picture of HW from Wikiportal de Cultura Apícola.
Biographical sketch translated from Spanish Wikipedia, also in the references below.
