Boris Pimenovitch CHEVRIZOV - papers on Opiliones

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Boris Pimenovitch CHEVRIZOV

Борис Пименович Чевризов

Birthdate: 28 June 1951
Birthplace: Nesterov, Kaliningrad Oblast, Russia.
Died: 19 April 1993

BIOGRAPHY: Born on June 28th, 1951 in a simple family in Nesterov, a small town in Kaliningrad Area, Boris P. Chevrizov passed away on April 19th, 1993 after a long-term sickness. In the mid-50s his family moved to Oktyabrsk, a town in Samara Area, Volga region, where Boris graduated a secondary school. His interest in zoology arose when he was 12, so he never doubted where to gо for higher education. In 1970, despite a strong competition, Boris Chevrizov entered the Biological Faculty of the Moscow State University. This was due to Dr. S. I. Ljovuschkin that Boris chose his first zооlоgiсаl specialization -- like his supervisor, he got interested in the cavernicolous fauna. His special interest lay in the insect family Campodeidae, order Diplura, a group quite common in forest litter and caves, especially in warmer areas. During his higher education, Boris executed several field trips, with the result of publication of a number of new genera and species of chiefly cavernicolous Diplura from the Caucasus and the Far East of Russia.

[Rest of text at the bottom of this page].


  • Dmitri Logunov (provided picture of BC and necrology)
  • Nataly Snegovaya (contributed PDF 1979, digitalized S&C 1978)
  • Jason Dunlop (allowed access to facilities in ZMB, Berlin - 1980)
  • Hans-Ulrich Raake (helped me find titles, locate volumes, operate scan machine in ZMB, Berlin - 1980)
  • Ian S. Kury (sacrificed his leisure time to assist with the biblio-hunting in Berlin, 2009 - 1980)


DISCLAIMER — This resource was first intended as for private use of the members of the arachnology lab of Museu Nacional, but later we thought "why not to share this with the world?". Eventually if greedy lawyers (redundance...) start to bother us with copyright matters, etc, we may have to be forced to quit the project and keep this just to ourselves.
paper needed Chevrizov, B.P. (1978) [Наrvest-spiders of the western forested zone of the USSR] // Morfologhiya, sistemаtika i evоlutsiya zhivotnykh, Leningrad: Zool. inst. AN SSSR, p. 83-85 (in Russian).
Chevrizov, B.P. (1979) Краткий определитель сенокосцев (Opiliones) европейкой части СССР [Kratkiy opredelitel’ senokostsev (Opiliones) evropeykoy chasti SSSR = A brief key to the harvest–spiders (Opiliones) of the European territory of the USSR]. Fauna i  ecologiya paukoobraznykh [The Fauna and Ecology of Arachnida]. Trudy Zoologicheskogo Instituta AN SSSR [Proceedings of the Zoological Institute Academy of  Sciences of the USSR], 85, 4–27 (in Russian).
Chevrizov, B.P. (1980) К фауне сенокосцев (Opiliones) западных районов европейской части СССР [K faune senokostsev (Opiliones) zapadnyh rayonov evropeyskoy chasti SSSR = On the fauna of harvestmen (Opiliones) of the Western regions of the European part of USSR]. Entomologiceskoe obozrenie [Entomological review] / Rossijskaja Akademija Nauk, Rossijskoe Entomologiceskoe Obscestvo, Moskva,58(2) [“1979”], 158–164 (in Russian).
Dissertation Chevrizov B.P., 1981. [Наrvest-spiders (Opiliones) of the USSR European part] // Avtoreferat kandidat, dissert. Leningrad 20 p.
with co-author
Staręga, W. & Chevrizov, B.P. (1978). Новый вид сенокосцев рода Zacheus C. L. Koch (Opiliones, Phalangiidae) из Предкавказья [Noviy vid senokostsev roda Zacheus C. L. Koch (Opiliones, Phalangiidae) iz Predkavkaz’ya = A new species of the harvestmen of the genus Zacheus (Opiliones, Phalangiidae) from Ciscaucasia]. Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie, Leningrad, 57(2), 419–422.


Page created Copyright © 2006-2012 by Adriano B. Kury.
Picture of B Chevrizov from necrology (Marusik & Golovatch, 1993), courtesy of Dmitri Logunov.
Biographical sketch reproduced integrally from
Marusik & Golovatch, 1993.

In 1975, after graduation, Boris Chevrizov was Invited as a post-graduate student to the Zoological Institute of the Academy of Sciences in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). There, under the supervision of a prominent Russian' arachnologist, Prof. Y. S. Balashov, and in close scientific and personal co-operation with another famous zoologist, Prof. Y. I. Starobogatov, Boris resumed studies in Russian Opiliones using the Leningrad Museum's highly important harvest-spider collection and unpublished notes of his predecessor, the late Dr. A. A. Bialynicki-Birula, whose arachnological research terminated in the 30s due to his arrest for political reasons. Being a tireless field explorer, Boris Chevrizov executed several collecting trips to the Ukraine, Lithuania, Leningrad, Volga region, the Far East, etc. He also incorporated abundant materials deriving from various institutions throughout the ex-USSR and concentrated on the fauna of the Opiliones of the USSR European part. This culminated In a Ph. D. thesis, successfully defended in 1981, and the publication of the first identification book of the Opiliones of the Russian Plain.
Until 1983, Boris Chevrizov worked at a research station of the All-Union Institute for Plant Protection near Leningrad. This job was completely fruitless in terms of scientific publications, the more so as Boris felt increasingly ill.
In 1983, Dr. D. I. Berman invited Boris Chevrizov to his lab at the Institute for the Biological Problems of the North, Academy of Sciences, Magadan, and Boris successfully resumed his studies on the taxonomy, ecоlоgy, physiology, and spatial distribution of various soil/litter-dwelling arthropods, Diplura and Opiliones in particular. Working at the .Aborigen. Research Station in the upper reaches of Kolyma River, he collected copious materials and even developed a new, highly efficient thermophotoeclector for censusing soil macrofauna.

Regrettably, increasing health problems did not allow him a long carrier at a field research station, nor did he publish much. In 1985, he took the position of a research fellow at the Pacific Institute for Fish Research, Sea of Okhotsk Branch, Magadan. He participated in several seа cruises on board research vessels, studying Crustacea, mainly shrimps, as a nutritive base for the Pacific herring. However, nothing has elapsed as a result of those studies. In 1991, after he had spent a, few months as a biology teacher at a Magadan secondary school, Boris Chevrizov had to retire. They were severe health problems that did not allow him to conduct any kind of research until his death this spring.
Altogether, Boris P. Chevrizov described seven new species and two new genera of Diplura as well as one new species of Opiliones and Aranei apiece. Thе standard of the descriptions was very high, supplied with Boris' excellent original illustrations. It seems so unfortunate that such a gifted scientist as Boris Chevrizov has spent such a short life. He was an excellent guitarist, singing countless songs he learned since his years of study at the Moscow University... He will always be remembered by his friends and colleagues as a highly gifted zoologist and an amiable personality.


Marusik, Yuri & Sergei Golovatch, 1993. Personalia. Boris Pimenovitch Chevrizov (1951-1993). Arthropoda Selecta, Moscou, 2(3): 77-78.