Reginald Frederick LAWRENCE - papers on Opiliones

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Reginald Frederick LAWRENCE

Birthdate: 6 March 1897

Birthplace: George, South Africa

Died: 9 October 1987, Pietermaritzburg


  • Juliana "Yuckie" Machado (digitalized 1933, 1934, 1937b, 1947a, 1958)
  • Daniele Souza (digitalized 1931, 1937d, 1947b, 1949, 1951, 1957a-b, 1965).
  • Wojciech Staręga (contributed PDFs - 1937a, 1937c, 1938a, 1939).
  • Ricardo Pinto-da-Rocha (contributed PDF - 1959).
  • John Ponting (contributed PDF L1952)
  • James Cokendolpher (contributed PDFs - 1962a-b, 1963).


DISCLAIMER — This resource was first intended as for private use of the members of the arachnology lab of Museu Nacional, but later we thought "why not to share this with the world?". Eventually if greedy lawyers (redundance...) start to bother us with copyright matters, etc, we may have to be forced to quit the project and keep this just to ourselves.
Lawrence, R.F. (1931) The Harvest-Spiders (Opiliones) of South Africa. Annals of the South African Museum, Cape Town, 29(2), 341–508.
Lawrence, R.F. (1933) The Harvest-Spiders (Opiliones) of Natal. Annals of the Natal Museum, Pietermaritzburg, 7(2), 211–241, 9 figs.
Lawrence, R.F. (1934) New South African Opiliones. Annals of the South African Museum, Cape Town, 30(4), 549–586, 19 figs.
Lawrence, R.F. (1937a) A collection of Arachnida from Zululand. Annals of the Natal Museum, Pietermaritzburg, 8(2), 211–273, 30 figs.
Lawrence, R.F. (1937b) A stridulating organ in harvest-spiders. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, (10) 20, 364–369.
Lawrence, R.F. (1937c) New harvest spiders from Natal and Zululand. Annals of the Natal Museum, Pietermaritzburg, 8(2), 127–153, 11 fig.
Lawrence, R.F. (1937d) The external sexual characteristics of South African harvest-spiders. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa, Cape Town, 24(4), 331–337, 2 pl.
Lawrence, R.F. (1938a) Harvest-spiders of Natal and Zululand. Annals of the Natal Museum, Pietermaritzburg, 8(3), 345–371. [Issued April, 1938].
na fila de scan Lawrence, R.F. (1938b) The odoriferous glands of some South African harvest-spiders. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa, Cape Town, 25(4), 333–342.
Lawrence, R.F. (1939) A contribution to the Opilionid fauna of Natal and Zululand. Annals of the Natal Museum, Pietermaritzburg, 9(2), 225–243.
Lawrence, R.F. (1947a) A collection of Arachnida made by Dr. I. Trägårdh in Natal and Zululand (1904–1905). Göteborgs Kungl. Vetenskaps- och Vitterhets- Samhälles Handlingar, (6 B) 5(9), 1–41.
Lawrence, R.F. (1947b) Opiliones from the Ivory Coast of West Africa collected by R. Paulian and C. Delamare-Deboutteville. Revue française d'entomologie, Paris, 14(1), 34–46.
Lawrence, R.F. (1949) A collection of Opiliones and Scorpions from North-East Angola made by Dr. A. de Barros Machado in 1948. Publicações culturais Companhia de Diamantes de Angola (Diamang), Serviços Culturais, Dundo-Luanda-Angola-Lisboa,  1949, 1–20.
Lawrence, R.F. (1951) A further collection of opiliones from Angola made by Dr. A. de Barros Machado in 1948–1949. Publicações culturais Companhia de Diamantes de Angola (Diamang), Serviços Culturais, Dundo-Luanda-Angola-Lisboa, 13, 29–44, 4 figs.
Lawrence, R.F. (1952) A collection of cavernicolous and termitophilous Arachnida from the Belgian Congo. Revue de zoologie et de botanique africaines, 46, 1–17, 9 figs.
Lawrence, R.F. (1957a) A third collection of opiliones from Angola. Publicações culturais Companhia de Diamantes de Angola (Diamang), Serviços Culturais, Dundo-Luanda-Angola-Lisboa, 34, 51–66, 3 figs.
Lawrence, R.F. (1957b) The Opiliones collected by Dr. A. de Barros Machado in the Belgian Congo during 1953 and 1955. Revue de zoologie et de botanique africaines, 56(1–2), 151–166, 4 figs.
Lawrence, R.F. (1958) A collection of cavernicolous Arachnida from French Equatorial Africa. Revue suisse de Zoologie, 65(4), 857–866, 3 figs.
Lawrence, R.F. (1959) Arachnides-Opilions. Faune de Madagascar, Publications de L’Institut de Recherche Scientifique Tananarive – Tsimbazaza, 9, 1–121, 35 figs.
Lawrence, R.F. (1962a) The significance of cave-living animals in the study of zoogeography. Annals of the Cape Provincial Museums, 2, 206–211.
Lawrence, R.F. (1962b) LXXIV.- Opiliones. In: Resultats scientifiques des missions zoologiques de l`IRSAC en Afrique orientale - (P. Basilewsky et N. Leleup, 1957). Annales Musée Royal de l'Afrique Centrale, (Sciences zoologiques) 110, 9–89, figs. 1–136.
Lawrence, R.F. (1963) The Opiliones of the Transvaal. Annals of the Transvaal Museum, Pretoria, 24, 275–304.
Lawrence, R.F. (1965) A small collection of Opiliones from the Ivory Coast of West Africa. Bulletin du Museum National d'histoire naturelle,Paris, (2) 36 ("1964"), 797–811, 19 figs.



Page created Copyright © 2006-2017 by Adriano B. Kury.
Picture of R Lawrence from Bonnet (1945)
Biographical sketch from xxx.